Some years ago I was looking through historical documents stored at Sydney’s Macquarie University when I came across this entry…
Excerpt from George Evan’s Diary --
Tuesday, 16th November 1815. The first half hour's Chaining was tolerably good; but, for six Miles afterwards, it was extremely fatiguing along a Rocky and Bushy Ridge, which led me to the Centre of the three hills, I shewed you in our long Ride and which I have named “Mount Macquarie”; the three range in a direct line, bearing N.W. and S.E.; that to the S.E. measuring ¾ of a Mile from Mount Macquarie, I call “Maclaine’s Peak”; the N.W. one is separated from the others by a small Gully, and at a distance of about 2 Miles from Mount Macquarie, I have named “Antill’s Peak”.
Tuesday, 16th November 1815. The first half hour's Chaining was tolerably good; but, for six Miles afterwards, it was extremely fatiguing along a Rocky and Bushy Ridge, which led me to the Centre of the three hills, I shewed you in our long Ride and which I have named “Mount Macquarie”; the three range in a direct line, bearing N.W. and S.E.; that to the S.E. measuring ¾ of a Mile from Mount Macquarie, I call “Maclaine’s Peak”; the N.W. one is separated from the others by a small Gully, and at a distance of about 2 Miles from Mount Macquarie, I have named “Antill’s Peak”.
Under instructions from Governor Lachlan Macquarie to pursue a western course from Bathurst “until he shall fall in with the western ocean,” seasoned explorer, George Evans, left Sydney on his second inland journey in 1815.
Lachlan Macquarie, Maj.General, 73rd Regiment of Foot, was, undoubtedly, Australia’s most significant 19thC colonial governor. Lt John Maclaine, (son of Murdoch Maclaine [1736-1804], 19th Chief of Lochbuie) was Lachlan Macquarie’s uncle and his ADC (aide-de-camp) whilst governor of the colony of New South Wales.
Macquarie hoped that Evans might meet with some great river “which may probably fall into the sea on that part of the coast bearing in a south-easterly direction from Spencer’s Gulf (South Australia).” Evans did not reach the sea on this journey, but he found the river, which he named the “Lachlan”. The Lachlan River was later found to be part of the major river system of south eastern Australia – the Darling, Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Murray rivers.
I went to current maps of the area but there was no mention of Maclaine’s Peak. Ultimately a formal proposal to reinstate the name was put to the NSW Geographic Names Board.
Persistence pays and today, as a result of Clan effort, John Maclaine, Lt, 73rd Regiment of Foot is reunited with Uncle Lachlan (geographically, at least) – and Maclaines Peak will be on subsequent maps of the area.
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